Saturday, January 26, 2019

Zeroth Law

There is no point
Looking for crossroads 
Where I lost my path
No time travel
Only hazy grey cells

Life was a mess
A splendid open field
A garbage heap
Beside the bouquet 
Troubled waters
Steady currents
Whirl-pooled mind
Waves reined

Coiled serpent like
Vicious clouds
Soothing rain 
Hissing lightening 
Signs ignored
Silence guided

Felt like fish
Out of water
Gasping for breath 
Caught the last straw

Don’t misunderstand 
Heart was not lost
For beautiful rainbow 
Or shining full moon

I could not feel
Brain and heart
At a crucial moment 

No remorse 
Choices I had enough 
Only I peeped into
Wrong window 

End justifies the means
End justifies the path 
Between birth and death
Infinite curvature and angles

Friday, January 25, 2019


Pick me up
Piece by piece
Bleeding blunt
But still alive

Wash me
With your love
Blow away the dirt
Of nostalgic pain

Lend some of your
Best pieces
Create a mosaic
Of unique kind

Art that smiles
Art that depicts
Union of two souls
Yours and mine